The best place to start building your momentum is to create your unique vision for your permanent makeup business.
I’m going to go through how to put a vision board together and then how to develop your momentum even further and bring your vision to life.
So lets get started with how to create a vision board and make it a reality (I realise I’ve just gone a bit woo, woo on you again)!
But I want to share with you my process. You can take what resonates and leave the rest. Remember, I’m just giving you a loose framework but you have to make it your own.
Vision boards have played the most integral part to my success. I left home at 16 and completely rebuilt my life on a vision board. everything I’ve ever wanted or more has materialised.
I was just thinking about my list this morning, and then I remembered one thing that hasn’t materialised… My Ferrari 🙁
I remember when I was 16 and literally crashing on my friends sofa with maybe £10 to my name and she thought I was mad when I put a red Ferrari on it.
I don’t know what happened to that one, I actually don’t want a red Ferrari these days, (it’s too flashy for me) but then I realised something.
My Maserati… in my driveway outside, I’m looking at it right now with a tear in my eye because its my dream car… it’s got a Ferrari engine!! … it kind of did materialise in the end!
I’ve used vision boards for over 17 years, but once you’ve been doing this stuff for a while like I have, you develop complete trust that you can create your own momentum, and get whatever you put your mind too.
There’s not one single thing, no event, person, situation, in fact you realise that everything that has ever happened to you, or will ever happen to you… will not be wasted.
If you look at every single crisis, difficulty or challenge in your own life, look at every joy filled moment that comes into your reality, all of it is showing up to make you more of who you were meant to be, showing up to help you. Nothing ever is wasted.
I don’t vision board any more because I’m a powerful manifestor, and I know how to do it without physically putting it on a board anymore. You have to meet the vibration, you can’t be above or below it.
In order to draw the thing toward you that you want, you can’t want it so much that you fear that you wont get it. You have to want it and then let it go. You have to trust that it will come to you. You can’t just think about it every day, every day, every day, because it doesn’t come to you that way.
You have to put it out there and then you have to prepare yourself to meet that vibration. You have to be there ready when it shows up.
This stuff totally works. It’s true – if you can’t see your own vision of success, you’ll never get there.
So figure out what success looks like for you day to day. How do you want to spend your free time? How do you want to define success for yourself this year. Write your vision down, add visuals if you need more momentum and post it somewhere you will see it everyday. I promise you, this ones a game changer.
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SECRET #1 – How to set the stage for success, attract as many referrals as you can handle…
SECRET #2 – How to get more referrals with a very concise series of questions…
SECRET #3 – How to create a ‘win win’ agreement with all of your clients…
SECRET #4 – Reveals how to create ‘natural marriages and collaborations’ as a permanent makeup artist …
SECRET #5 – How to choose a clean colour scheme to keep your site looking professional …
SECRET #6 – How to properly position your logo and business details on the site and it’s not where you think …
SECRET #7 – How to use professional images to represent the quality of your services…
SECRET #8 – Headline grabbers to attract your dream permanent makeup clients and how to use them …
Join Today and Receive a FREE Bonus Gift – The Secrets of Becoming a Client Magnet Bundle Worth £1995…
SECRET #9 – Reveals how to use real-life testimonials from your existing clients and why they are important …
SECRET #10 – Reveals how you guide your client’s behaviour with a clear call to action.
SECRET #11 – How to set the expectation for your client, if you undervalue yourself, others will undervalue you too …
SECRET #12 – How to build trust and gain credibility through your branding …
SECRET #13 – How to get into the mindset of service, it’s all about what you can do for others…
SECRET #14 – Reveals how to make your business more personal when you make your mess your message…
SECRET #15 – Reveals how not everyone is your permanent makeup client, with the right branding you can find your tribe and work only on your dream clients…
and so much more…
1. Know what you love to do most in your permanent makeup business and who you love to serve.
You know what they say, either fix the problem or quite b**ching and moaning about it.
If you hate your other job, work harder to get permanent makeup to be your full time focus.
Find a mentor who has been where you are right now and got to were you want to get to, OR do it the hard way and go to business school and learn a how to create success for yourself.
Create a permanent makeup business that is a reflection of you, one that you’ve always dreamed of. Pick up that crazy hobby you’ve been thinking about. Sound too scary? Facing too many roadblocks (time, money, naysayers)?
Why not tackle one of them. Explore all of your options, and then take action. There is no time like the present!
2. Make your goals BIG. if it doesn’t set a fire deep down on the inside of you, it’s not big and juicy enough
Nothing’s going to propel you forwards and make you step into your vision of success like a ridiculously big goal that sets your soul on fire. Write it down along with the one thing you can do today to make it happen.
Here is an example of the power of a written goal: A study was conducted among a graduating class at Harvard to see how many had concrete goals around how much money they wanted to make. Only 3% had written their goals down. Ten years later, that 3% were making more than the other 97% combined! Now that is power!
3. Eliminate the things, people and places that drain your batteries. learn for yourself how create momentum and completely recharge yourself.
People are either drains or radiators, and you’ll know which ones they are when you spend time with them. The drains leave you feeling completely depleted and like you’ve lost the will, and the radiators feel like sunshine in human form, after an hour or two with them you feel like you can take on the world and achieve anything. Be protective about where you expend this energy you’ve worked so hard to create.
Energy drains are not only people but also those things that drag you down. Things that recharge your energy can be anything that inspires you and puts you in a good mood, like a room in your house, a place to relax, an activity, a good book or a favourite grandparent if your lucky enough to still have them around. Spend more time doing the things that give you energy and get rid of anything and everything that does not serve you.
4. Stop giving a hoot what other people think about you. Remove your fears that are holding you back.
The very biggest source of procrastination is often a deep-seated fear – fear of success, change, failure, ridicule, the unknown. Take a daily step to remove your fears by asking yourself every day, “What would I do today, if I were not afraid?” What could I achieve if someone didn’t tell me that it’s not possible?
My advice is they’re either with you, or they’re in your way. If they are in your way, stop listening to them immediately.
5. Take control over your finances. money makes money & the fastest way to double your momentum is with a nice little buffer cushion in the bank
Do you ever feel like you are on a never ending treadmill. Working more to pay for ever increasing bills? It seems like the more you work, the more you spend to do the things you don’t have time to do. Even whilst you are working so many hours to build up your dream permanent makeup business.
Spend a little less here and a little less there and stop haemorrhaging money. This is not a permanent thing by the way, not at all, because when you learn to create momentum you will be able to turn the tables on your earnings
But for now, whilst you are in the pursuit, make sure what you buy is in line with your long term values. Use your money to fuel your business dreams instead of feeding the treadmill and continuing the daily grind.
6. Create a braintrust of people that inspire you to get up every day and do it better
Identify a handful of people in your life, on TV or on your bookshelves who can help you move your life forward in the direction you want it to go. Ideally someone who has the experience and is able to break it down for you and give you all the shortcuts that they had to work years to learn.
The ones who inspire you will be able provide the best insights. Call on them together or individually to help you move past any roadblocks and keep the momentum going.
7. Find the time from wherever it is. do what you need when the kids are in bed, when you’ve finished your shift from your first job because if it’s important enough you’ll find the time. if it’s not, you’ll find an excuse.
One of the biggest challenges to creating the life and business we want is finding the time to do it all. But know this, everyone has the same 24 hrs in their day, the multi millionaire entrepreneur, the guy who lays on the sofa, the beauty therapist buffing nails till her fingers bleed.
You’ll be surprised what you can achieve in your day when you start building your own momentum and create a slipstream for your own permanent success.
Track how you’re spending your time for a whole week. Write it all down, then on Sunday tally up the time spent on each thing – things like sleeping, eating, shopping, checking email, deleting the negative people from your FB account, cleaning the house, looking after the kids etc.
Look at each part of your day. What things can you do to cut time in each area? Be creative and find the time to do what needs to be done. It will be hard at first but once you’ve created momentum it becomes effortless and you’ll be able to do the jobs you’ve always wanted to do, instead of what you have to do.
8. Let things uniquely evolve, your way, on your own timings, and know that there’s space in the permanent makeup industry for you to be successful too.
That’s right, you will bring something unique to the table because no one can do it exactly your way, because they don’t have your passion, your experience, your voice or your perspective.
Believe me when the flywheel of momentum starts to turn, you need to be ready for it because those things you want on you vision board, when momentum kicks in, they start to come at you thick and fast.
So, pay attention to clues, connections, and opportunities that are presented to you. Allow your future to unfold and change in ways you might not have been able to imagine when you started dreaming of setting up your own successful permanent makeup business.
9. Commit fully to what you want and remove every single other option. there is no plan B
Commit to your dreams, you totally deserve them and don’t stop until you’ve made them happen. Creating momentum starts with making a solid commitment to your goals.
Commit to doing all of my suggestions above and that will move you closer to your dreams. You know that that life is short right? So just go for it. Create the business of your dreams and live the best life you possibly can.
I’d say hell yes to that!
And remember – how you spend your days, is how we spend our lives.
I hope this helps you and that you really run with it, because when you learn how to harness the power of momentum to get what you want, life, goals and work turn into one big, fun game. A game where every possibility within you comes pouring out of you.
It’s when you realise you can get pretty much anything you set your mind to.
If you know how to create all this momentum but you just want some direction as to what to do with it, if you feel would like more of my help on pinpointing “your dream clients” and exactly how to reach them them then keep working through this Masterclass series as there’s so much help with each and every blog and ebook you work through. Also if there is anything you feel is missing from this Masterclass series drop me a message and we will have a look at producing something to help with that as well.
Gain Instant Access to Expert Permanent Makeup Advice And Watch Your Business Transform
If You Are Ready to Join Many Other Permanent Makeup Katy Jobbins Masterclass Members Then Click the Button Below & I’ll See You on the Inside …
Membership is a one time payment & gives you lifetime access to current and new content as it is added. Join Today and You’ll Also Get …
SECRET #1 – How to set the stage for success, attract as many referrals as you can handle…
SECRET #2 – How to get more referrals with a very concise series of questions…
SECRET #3 – How to create a ‘win win’ agreement with all of your clients…
SECRET #4 – Reveals how to create ‘natural marriages and collaborations’ as a permanent makeup artist …
SECRET #5 – How to choose a clean colour scheme to keep your site looking professional …
SECRET #6 – How to properly position your logo and business details on the site and it’s not where you think …
SECRET #7 – How to use professional images to represent the quality of your services…
SECRET #8 – Headline grabbers to attract your dream permanent makeup clients and how to use them …
Join Today and Receive a FREE Bonus Gift – The Secrets of Becoming a Client Magnet Bundle Worth £1995…
SECRET #9 – Reveals how to use real-life testimonials from your existing clients and why they are important …
SECRET #10 – Reveals how you guide your client’s behaviour with a clear call to action.
SECRET #11 – How to set the expectation for your client, if you undervalue yourself, others will undervalue you too …
SECRET #12 – How to build trust and gain credibility through your branding …
SECRET #13 – How to get into the mindset of service, it’s all about what you can do for others…
SECRET #14 – Reveals how to make your business more personal when you make your mess your message…
SECRET #15 – Reveals how not everyone is your permanent makeup client, with the right branding you can find your tribe and work only on your dream clients…
and so much more…